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Serving Bradenton & Sarasota Area Since 2011! Call 941-755-0406

Relieving Foot Pain With Reflexology

Sole Connection                                                 
By MaryAnn Chirichella, LMT and Certified Reflexologist
December 2018

Relieving Foot Pain With Reflexology

The human foot is an architectural masterpiece, its structure literally forming our base and foundation. Each day we take an average of 19,000 steps, placing a total of more than 700 tons of weight on each foot. This accomplishment seems even more astonishing when we realize that our feet represent a mere 2% of our body weight, yet they balance, support and transport our entire body.

Few of us pay much attention to our feet as they faithfully carry us along our life’s path. What’s even worse is the constant abuse we render on them. We walk on concrete and other “unnatural” surfaces, while cramming them into ill-fitting or poorly designed shoes. It’s no wonder so many people experience foot pain.

To help cope with this pain, many are turning to an ancient therapy known as Reflexology. Although this holistic system provides the benefits of inducing relaxation, and balancing the functions of organs, glands and body systems, we cannot discount its practical applications for pain relief. By relaxing the muscles, ligaments and tendons, opening the joints and stretching the plantar fascia (a broad, flat ligament on the bottom of each foot that supports the arches) reflexology is often successful in reducing or alleviating many types of foot pain. This includes the most common cause of heel pain known as plantar fasciitis, a condition in which the plantar fascia becomes weak, swollen and irritated.

To sum it up, our feet are probably the most neglected part of our bodies. Since they provide our very foundation, they are too important to overlook. Why not treat your aching feet to a soothing, revitalizing reflexology session? Happy feet will have you feeling and performing your best.

MaryAnn Chirichella, LMT is a nationally Certified Reflexologist, one of only 33 Nationally Accredited Reflexology Educators, a Board Certified Continuing Education Provider, Reiki Master and a Tai Qi/Qi Gong Instructor. She currently practices at Massage Therapy Connections. A first time one-hour Reflexology session is only $65.