Serving Bradenton & Sarasota Area Since 2011! Call 941-755-0406
Serving Bradenton & Sarasota Area Since 2011! Call 941-755-0406

February 2023 Newsletter

We’re in the business of helping you to feel better. But we know that getting a massage isn’t the ONLY way to feel better. Feeling overly stressed or down in the dumps can take a toll on your life, including relationships, work, and even cause you physical symptoms, like stomach trouble, aches and pains, and headaches. That’s when it’s time to pay attention to the little things you’re doing to sabotage yourself and get on a healthy and happier path.

Taking care of your wellbeing doesn’t have to take a lot of time or even effort. This month, let’s look at six easy ways to lift youself up!

Listen to Music

You know what kind of music makes you feel good. Maybe it’s metal, indie pop, jazz, or rock. When you’re down, do you prefer something calming and relaxing, or something that will get you up and dancing?

You can also listen to the songs you loved when you were in high school or college. This will help you remember good times with past friends.


Sing loudly like no one can hear you if you want to learn how to feel better. Did you know that in Japan, people always sing karaoke to relieve stress?

Do Something Nice

Do something nice that no one will notice. For example, you can pick up an empty plastic bottle in the street and throw it to a recycling bin. Or you can donate some old clothes to the local homeless shelter. Do something nice without looking for recognition in order to internalize those warm, fuzzy emotions that come from being kind.

Smell the Roses

Engage your olfactory system, and inhale the delightful scents of gardenia, honeysuckle, jasmine, or rose. These flowers smell so good, and they’ll make your brain happy!

Hug Someone

One of the best ways to get an emotional lift? Hug someone today.

The benefits of giving (and receiving) a hug have actually been studied.

  • 4 hugs a day for survival
  • 8 hugs a day for maintenance
  • 12 hugs a day for growth

That’s a lot of hugs!

Put Down Your Phone

Just for a few minutes, don’t look at your phone. Better yet, leave your phone in another room. Turn off your notifications and feel the freedom.

Use that freedom to move your body. Take a walk. Even a few sun salutations will loosen tired muscles while calming and lifting your spirits.

Try even just a couple of these suggestions and you WILL feel better!

  • Two online sources used for this information: <Source> <Source>

Feature of the Month: Integral Sound Therapy

Massage Therapy Connections is excited to announce a new service added to our menu: Integral Sound Healing!

Integral Sound Healing is a modality that utilizes specific sounds and frequencies to bring about positive change in a person’s body both mentally and physically. It works based on the principle that every cell in our body has its own unique rate of vibration, also known as frequency, which is measured in Hertz (Hz). This means that the cells of our bones vibrate at a different rate than the cells of our muscles, and those vibrate at a different rate than our blood cells and so on. When our cells are vibrating at their optimal rate, they are considered strong and healthy. When the vibration of our cells is lower than what it should be, our cells become weak and dis-ease takes over.

Depending on the specific cells in question, this can look like anything from brain fog, insomnia, the flu, tense muscles, constipation, depression, and even cancer. The frequencies of our cells are greatly impacted by both internal and external influences such as what we eat, the chemicals we are exposed to in cleaners or healthcare products, and stress levels.

Leah Johnston LMT started her Integral Sound Therapy training with the globally recognized Sound Healing Academy back in October of 2022 and has recently completed her Level 1 Certification in January. She has created a new session called The Total Relaxation Tune Up and is the only therapist at MTC that provides this session.

The purpose of this therapy is to deeply de-stress. It begins with a face, scalp, and neck massage followed by a handful of sound healing techniques to balance the central nervous system and increase the vibrational rate of lowered frequencies. While there are several instruments that can be used during an Integral Sound Healing session, only the pure tones of tuning forks will be used out of respect for the other sessions going on at Massage Therapy Connections.

Read More Here about how Sound Therapy works with your body’s vibrational frequencies.

You can book one of these Total Relaxation Tune Up sessions online under the Specialties category or call 941-755-0406.

Therapist of the Month: Nancie Yonker

Nancie Yonker joined the MTC therapist team fairly recently, but brings a wealth of experience with her. Nancie has been a bodywork practitioner and massage therapy educator for the past 28 years. She graduated from Sarasota School of Massage in the early 90’s. In 1994, she began teaching massage therapy there and for the last 16 years has been the Massage School instructor at Manatee Technical College.

Ironically, the two founding owners of MTC – Nancy Strand and Shea Shulman – were both graduates of Nancie’s Massage Therapy Program at Manatee Technical. Other students of Ms. Nancie have worked at MTC and both Misa McCue and David Billingsley both received their initial training and massage licenses through Nancie’s program. Strand has this to say: “Ms. Nancie was the best instructor I’ve ever had. She has a way of opening up doors so you can explore any number of the studies associated with massage therapy. She is largely responsible for the inspiration behind Massage Therapy Connections.”

Nancie is a consummate learner. Over the years she studied a myriad of modalities from energetics to neuromuscular dysfunction. Bodywork is so far reaching that it inspires a whole cascade of physical effects tapping into deep associations between emotions, thoughts and touch. Nancie believes that a big part of what makes our modern life style unhealthy revolves around stress. She has the experience and tools for reminding your body of its own inherent wisdom and sense of balance. Her head, hands and heart know the power of touch.

Because of her busy schedule, she is only available for bookings on Mondays; what a great way to start your week! She offers Swedish, Deep Tissue and Focus massage sessions.

Celebrate Birthdays

This month, Leah Johnston is celebrating a birthday! If you see her, wish her well!

Valentine’s Day – Tuesday, 2/14 

One of the best occasions to give a massage gift certificate to your loved ones!

President’s Day – Monday, 2/20

No School! Teachers, a great day to get a massage for yourself!

… is always a winner! Stop by to purchase one or get one online here.

In Appreciation

I just got back from a wonderful cruise that for anyone who really knows me, knows that I am always working.  Well this cruise “forced” me to not work (no access to internet on certain days).  Thanks to both Karen and Susan, my wonderful front desk staff, the office continued to run smoothly in my absence.  But while I was away, I came to realize that a person can’t continue to give 24/7 and never take time to refuel or take care of themselves.  This time away allowed me to do that, I was able to read, something I absolutely LOVE to do, but haven’t had the time to do it in years, I started and completed 2 books!  I forgot how much I loved to read, it relaxes me!

Please take the time to prioritize yourself a little bit each day or each week, if massage is that time, then fantastic, we are here to help you with that, but if not, please really think about taking time for yourself – life is too short to constantly being on the go.  Put the phone down, walk away from the computer, turn off the tv, whatever it is that is consistently pulling at you, even if it is for a short time – you need and deserve that break!

In Appreciation of Your Continued Trust In Us,

Donna Koehnen, Owner