Serving Bradenton & Sarasota Area Since 2011! Call 941-755-0406
Serving Bradenton & Sarasota Area Since 2011! Call 941-755-0406

March 2023 Newsletter


March reminds us of spring cleaning! But it’s not just the dwelling you live in that might be due for some cleaning. Your body is your true “house”, the biological structure that holds your essence. With your mind and your physical body being intricately entwined, both may also be due for some cleansing.

According to, “Our bodies are constantly processing the things we eat and drink while our minds work continuously to process thoughts and emotions. Over time, the byproducts of these processes can start to build. This can cause both to slow, becoming less effective than they once were.

It’s similar to how the pipes in your kitchen or bathroom are initially crystal clean and totally free of any debris. After regular use, gunk can start to build up inside. This can result in a clog if they aren’t given a break and cleaned out every now and then.

Regularly cleansing your body and mind offers the same benefits. It helps them recoup, recharge, and return to their normal functions stronger than ever.”

Some typical ways thought to cleanse yourself are engaging in meditation, connecting with nature, exercising, practicing deep breathing techniques, crystal healing, smudging with sage, getting enough sleep, and sound healing – to name just a few. These are all good, but are you ready to try something different? Here are four maybe less known ways to do some self-cleansing:

1. Try Tongue Scraping

In Ayurveda—a form of alternative medicine practiced in India—the coating on the tongue is called “ama” and reflects metabolic debris. Using a tongue scraper to get rid of this coating or debris reduces bacteria in the mouth which helps to improve oral health.

Oral health isn’t just important for the body, but also for the mind. A healthy mouth improves your ability to speak and smile, even making it easier to show your feelings and emotions with various facial expressions.

Start your day by gently scraping your tongue. Tongue scrapers can be purchased in a drug store or most box stores. We found plenty to choose from in Walmart for between $5 and $10.

2. Dry Brush Your Body

Dry brushing is another technique used in Ayurvedic medicine that offers cleansing benefits. It works by stimulating the lymphatic system. This system is important for immunity, protecting us from infection and disease. All you need is a body brush, which you use to brush your skin gently.

Start with your upper body and work your way down, being careful not to scrub too hard to avoid irritating your skin. On your arms, take strokes towards your shoulder. On your legs, stroke up towards the hips. You can even dry brush your face! There are many dry brush instructions found on the internet.

Once you are done, shower or bathe as normal, then apply lotion or body oil to moisturize your skin. Dry brushing is a fast and inexpensive way to feel refreshed and renewed.

3. Do a digital detox (or take a break from technology)

This can be really hard for some. Start small and just leave all your devices in the house when you go outside. Once you’re ready, try switching off your television, computer, cellphone, and other electronics for an entire day. Even taking a small break can be refreshing, dare we say cleansing?

4. Take a contrast shower

Another way to rejuvenate your body and mind is by taking a contrast shower. Contrast therapy is a technique that involves alternating between hot and cold water. Some believe this is a way to boost circulation and improve your energy.

To do this technique at home, turn on your shower and set the water temperature as warm as you can handle. The temperature should be hot, but not unbearable or scalding. Use caution (and common sense) to avoid burning yourself or causing damage to your skin.

After standing in the warm/hot water for two to three minutes, switch the temperature to as cold as you can handle. The cold water will be uncomfortable, but you may also find it invigorating. Stand in the cold water for one minute before switching back to hot water. Repeat this cycle two to three times.

Whatever way to choose to cleanse your body and mind, it’s not a substitute for regular self-care (which can include massage therapy). We all want to feel stronger, healthier, and more motivated. Self-care gets us there! <This article is largely sourced from this link.>

Dates To Remember

Sunday, March 12th – Daylight Savings Time. Set your clocks ahead on Saturday night.

Friday, March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day. Yes, we are open!

Monday, March 20th – Official Start of Spring!

Birthdays this month: Lynn Calabrese and Susan Barry

Congratulations, Ladies!

MTC Was On TV!

Suncoast View, ABC7 invited us to demonstrate one of our specialty sessions on a segment of their show. We are so proud of both David and Apryl on doing an excellent job of representing Massage Therapy Connections.

Click here for the link to the 7 minute segment!

Therapist of the Month – Jing McClure

Born in China, Jing earned her Associates Degree in Economics at Fushun College in China. She moved to the United States in 2009 and to this area in 2014. Jing graduated from Cortiva Institute and received her massage therapy license in March 2018. Immediately after receiving her license, Jing began working as a massage therapist in a spa in St. Petersburg. She joined the MTC Team in March 2019. In 2022, Jing became certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

A life-long learner, Jing is currently working towards obtaining her Medical Massage certification, which requires extensive training and practice. In addition to MLD Certification, she is also studying Functional Integration Therapy and recently has been designated a Protégé Functional Integration therapist. She is committed to helping her clients out of pain and relieving stress.

Jing is available for bookings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

She offers the following sessions: Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Focus Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Protege Functional Integration.

Feature of the Month – Table Thai Stretch and Massage

Stretching is an important part of overall health. Since most clients who receive massage therapy understand the importance of working on soft tissue (muscle and fascia) to keep our bodies functional at optimum levels, adding stretching protocols are a natural extension of that self-care program.

Stretching tends to feel good because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system and increases blood flow to your muscles. It’s thought that stretching may also release endorphins that help to reduce pain and enhance your mood.

In Thai massage, the therapist uses her body to move you into a series of yoga-like stretches.  She also utilizes muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure techniques, as well as energy work to balance your body.

Wear comfortable, loose clothing to experience this ancient healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures – all while on the massage table. This relaxing and revitalizing session is appropriate for beginners or experienced recipients!

Book with Misa McCue, Lisa Tarr, or Leah Johnston who have had specialized training in this wonderful modality!

You can book these sessions online, over the phone or at the front desk.

The statement that “Patience is a virtue” has never been more true lately. Both the front desk staff and therapists do our very best every day to schedule clients in a spot that is available. We have a call list to reach out to if anyone cancels their appointment as well.  We understand that you want to get in, we want you to get in, but we simply cannot add a spot where there just isn’t one available. 

In the last few weeks, we have experienced clients upset they had to wait a few weeks to get in, requesting/expecting that therapists come in before or after their regular shift or on their day off to accommodate their schedule.

Obviously when someone is coming in for a massage as part of their self-care regiment, those sessions are easiest to plan ahead. The best method is to make your next appointment as you’re leaving from the one you just had. That way you see all the options and can get something on the books before they fill up. This works best for the Swedish, Deep Tissue and even Focus Massage sessions.

This is not just happening with us; it is happening everywhere you go.  Every massage establishment has the same issue, every restaurant, store, etc.  Please remember we are in this together, practice patience, and plan ahead as much as you can.

I have the absolute best staff and know that every day they work, they are giving 110% and that is all one can ask for.

Donna Koehnen, Owner